So yes, it has been a very long time since my last blog update. Let's see, it's been six months! I guess I was just waiting for something amazing to come along, something "TOTALLY WICKED!" And well folks, something like that did come into play this year.
Before I go into full-event story-telling mode, maybe I should let you know how it started. It all began with a pair of shoes. Yes that's right, shoes. I know that's something people never assumed I'd say since it's pretty obvious I'm not a girl who talks about shoes very often. Back in December 2009 a pair of shoes caught my eye and I just had to have them! Yup there they are in the picture above :) And guess what, while I was in Australia I put together an entire album with pictures of these shoes. Yes, that's how much I love them! So how did shoes start me on the path of this big event? It all began with an innocent Facebook comment...
December 23 2009Jojo: Uh oh, Chris said because of my shoes, I'm now obligated to do an IronmanSonny: that's a gimme... we expect nothing less. Since you bought them this year you have to do your IM this year as well LOLJojo: BUT THIS YEAR IS ALMOST OVER!!!Sonny: Better hurry... maybe you can find one in Australia :-)Connie: You already said you were planning on one in 2011 so you might have to get another pair before then.Sonny: Good try Connie, but that doesn't work... JoJo has to do it this year or ritually sacrifice those shoes, MuahahahahahahaConnie: Very good comeback Sonny you are so right! Haha but you can't blame a girl for trying to help out her tri chicaSonny: I completely understand... it's a tough world out there and all you chicas need to stick together... Go Chica Power!!!!Jojo: That's right, we Tri Chicas stick together!!! I'll come up with something before the year is out ;) I could do a drinking Ironman in these shoes... I've won one of those before...Sonny: Okay then a drinking IM it is. 2.4 shots of Whiskey - 112 ozs of Wine - 26.2 Jello shooters...Jojo: HEY I DECIDE LOL!!! I'm out to enjoy this vacation, not spend it taking care of myself ;) What if I made it a coffee-drinking Ironman... 2.4 shots of espresso, 112 ozs of coffee and 26.2 chocolate covered espresso beans!!! My poor brothers LOL!Sonny: not just your brothers... all of Australia might regret that... it would be entertaining though LOLJojo: What better way to tick off Australia than to zoom around on a caffeine high!!! I'd hate to see that crash though...Sonny: yeah... that could be pretty brutal!!
I arrived in Australia with my brothers on December 27th and in the back of my head I kept thinking about what I could possibly do for my Ironman. I really didn't want to have to sacrifice my shoes! When December 31st rolled in I knew what I had to do. I went to our hotel gym and made a plan. I would bike 2.4 minutes on the exercise bike, complete 112 minutes on the elliptical machine, and run 26.2 minutes on the treadmill. I had to drop any idea of swimming due to the fact that the only available water nearby was in the Sydney Harbour. I didn't want to get in trouble and miss out on the fireworks that night. I also didn't want to be eaten by a shark. And last but not least, this workout seemed safer than a coffee or alcohol drinking Ironman :) I must admit, 112 minutes on the elliptical was very boring but I slugged my way through it! I did happen to look up at the TV once and see Michael Klim doing pullups. I have no idea why that was on TV but hey, seeing an olympic swimmer doing pullups is inspiring ;) Hahah the point is I did my Ironman before the year 2009 ended so I did not have to sacrifice my shoes.
Now I have to fast-forward to a day in January 2010 that I will never forget. While Ironman shoes made me do my own version of the event, this day made me enter the real thing. I was supposed to drive up to DC with my father to cheer on the Washington Capitals but then my mother called me and told me that something had happened and Dad couldn't go. I won't go into detail on what the phone call was about, but the first thing I did when I hung up the phone was go online to see if Ironman Louisville was still accepting applications. I wanted to do an Ironman for my father. I knew that sometime in my life I wanted to enter and complete one, and I felt that the time had come. Louisville was available and I signed up. The application asked: Why are you signing up for Louisville? And I answered: I want my father to see me become an Ironman.
Summer of 2010 seemed to fly by and all of the sudden it was August 26th and Dad and I were on our way to Louisville Kentucky. I know this may sound weird, but when Saturday rolled around I was not looking forward to Sunday. The elevators were running slow at the Galt House and since we were on the 7th floor we had carried our things up the stairs to our room Friday. My quads were actually sore from that Saturday and I thought wow, if my quads are sore from stairs, what the heck are they going to be like tomorrow? Getting in that practice swim in my speedsuit helped boost the confidence a bit. I had been nervous about it pulling down on my shoulders but once I starting swimming I realized that it didn't bother my back or shoulders at all. I also felt better about things once my bike was racked (talked to some really nice people who had also raced Rhode Island on the way over) and once my gear bags were all set. Dad and I had dinner with Alan (mmmmmmmm awesome hamburger at Champions! I laughed when I ran by there on Sunday!) and then after Dad and I drove the course. I'm really glad we did. My jaw dropped when I saw some of the winding downhills. It was just nice not being surprised by it on Sunday. I coasted down those hills Sunday and just held on chanting Control Control Control in my head. I was NOT going to crash!
Sunday morning I woke up at 4am. It was funny, I could hear toilets flushing all over the hotel as other athletes woke up to get ready. I got my calories in and started getting hydrated on water and gatorade. I took longer than I meant to and woke Dad up at around 4:45. I showed him how to look me up online in case he wanted to come back to the hotel to see where I was on the course. He ended up only coming back once to bring my bike pump back. I checked my gear bags and my bike in the morning and put my nutrition away and poured my water and gatorade. Just before I turned in my morning clothes bag I remembered that I'd put in there two big black rubber bands that my aerobottle came with. I had the bottle in the holder that I had from my first aero bottle that I had to chuck in Rhode Island when it came loose. I decided to be on the safe side and also attached the bottle with the rubber bands. I'm so glad I decided to do that. Around mile 60 of the bike I realized that the holder had come undone AGAIN and the bottle was only there because I had wrapped those rubber bands around the aero bars. SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT! Stupid aero bottle holder... That's the next thing to go...
Dad went back to the hotel with my bike pump and I wandered down to the swim start. It was weird not having anyone to talk to. I was really dreading the start of the race. I never feel that way. I told myself that I was just afraid of the unknown, and it was okay to be like that. I thought it's not really that unknown! I've been doing bits and pieces of this Ironman for months! A man came up and asked me what I was thinking. I realized that saying I was dreading the event wouldn't sound too inspiring so I told him I just felt strange. I said how this was my first Ironman and it was weird to be heading to a race start not thinking about racing, but instead about surviving. I knew how hot it was supposed to be and it was already humid. I guess my hydrating was good because after body-marking I had to stop at the bathroom on my way to get in line for the swim. After that bathroom break I started walking to the end of the line... and walking... and walking... and walking... Oh my gosh I could not believe I was STILL walking! When I looked back from my place I realized there were maybe 30 people behind me! I couldn't believe it! 2,900something people were in front of me to get in. hahah whoopsy daisy!
Once I hit the water I didn't dread it anymore. It was like I'd finally hit my comfort zone. I set my watch for 15 minute intervals and that really helped! I swam along and my watch would beep and I'd think YAY 15 minutes are already done! Next time my watch beeps it'll be at the 30-minute mark and I'll be almost halfway done! It would have been nicer if the water temperature had been cooler... 85degree bath water belongs in a bath, not in the Ohio River haha! I had that Enrique Iglesias song in my head... I know Connie likes it (it's her ringtone) so maybe that's why it was stuck in my head... hahah I don't even know the words! I just kept singing the chorus "I like it!" over and over so I told myself well I guess I just like swimming! And then the other song... the song that stayed for the REST OF THE IRONMAN got in my head, all because I was number 269... You know that song "Get Low" by Lil Jon? To the window (to the window) to the wall (to the wall) Well the first line is 3,6,9 damn you're fine and yes in my head 269 was close enough to 369 so yes that song, yet another that I don't really know the words to, got in my head for the rest of the race.
In T1 an awesome volunteer helped me with my speedsuit and handed me everything I needed from my gear bag. Another lathered my arms with sunblock. I had white arms the entire bike. Good thing because I now have two dark red triangles on my lower back where my tri suit top and bottom came apart. It would have been one big red strip but my race number blocked out the middle from the sun. Good thing! Only bad part about the sunblock was when I looked down about halfway through the bike I realized I had TONS of dead bugs stuck on my arms. LOL that was pretty gross! I'm really happy with how the bike went. One thing I would do differently if I did another Ironman would be to get out on hills more. I mean, unless I added the Bikes Unlimited Turtle Ride in with my long rides, I mostly was on the CaptoCap trail. I would definitely change that. I'm really glad I did Rhode Island, those hills really helped! Once I started biking the rest of the doubts of the Ironman went away. I thought WOW I get to spend the next bunch of hours biking, doing what I love! So much fun! A few times I had issues where I'd pass a guy only to have him pass me right back AND THEN SLOW UP! One guy actually sat straight up on his horns after he passed me back. At first I dropped back the four lengths like I was supposed to, then I thought hell with this asshole and sped by him and never saw him again. I tried not to do that too often because I didn't want to waste energy getting away from jerks, but I also didn't want to let those jerks slow me up.
My second time through La Grange I saw my dad :) I yelled DAD! FAX! HEY! And he saw me :) Made me happy :) After that I finally had to go to the bathroom. I did what I said I'd do, drank every 15 minutes when my timer went off, most times more than that. At the beginning of the bike and in the first out-and-back it wasn't that hot, rather cool actually. Once we got out in the open though it got hot in a hurry. I stopped at one of the aid stations and used the portapotty. I just decided that was better for me. Only bad thing to happen on the bike was around mile 80 my speedometer/odometer stopped working again... I knew they had mile signs out but I really wanted my speedometer working, so I was able to coast and lean over and adjust it until it started catching the sensor again. Coming off the bike and running into T2 I was happy to feel like I could still run haha! It was awesome, out of all the volunteers, the one who handed me my running bag was actually a classmate of mine from high school! I yelled Hey Bonnie Hi!!! All the volunteers were once again awesome and I got more sunblock. Also used the portapotty before I left, just like I had in T1.
When I started running I decided right then and there that I would take it easy. I don't know, I guess I just figured that I knew how hot it was and I really wanted to finish the race. I know what I'm capable of when I run, but right then the only thing in my mind was to run the whole thing and stay hydrated. I saw Dad when I ran out and then again when I came back from the bridge and headed out of town. At the first aid station I walked through and got water and powerade and sponges and that's what I did for really every aid station. At mile 6 my left calf started to twinge and I thought what the hell, if I'm already cramping then I have a loooooooong way to go... I went for more powerade at the next aid staion haha. After that I realized that all this hydration was making me have to go to the bathroom again and I decided that since I wasn't racing I would stop at the portapottys at the aid stations instead of pee on the run. Hahah I'm pretty sure I stopped 10 times during that marathon! And yes it did add up in my run time! But you know what, I wouldn't have changed it. I took it to mean that I was doing a good job with my hydration haha! I stopped for my special needs bag because I had put four saltstick pills in there and I took one at each of the next four aid stations to stave off cramping. And you know what, never had any more calf issues! Also no tummy issues, so yay my nutrition worked! I tried to eat pretzels at the last few aid stations because I was a lil dizzy. Just hot out there.
I saw Dad for the last time at the turnaround near the finish line. I actually didn't mind seeing the finish, it was kinda cool! Dad told me there were four women in front of me I could catch. I thought it was great that he was trying to coach me and give me advice :) At mile 20 I started saying out loud, 20 down, 6 to go! That was when I realized that so many people around me were on the first lap! I was shocked! I guess I didn't realize I was that far ahead of some people. When I said 25 down, 1 to go, man I really started smiling. I was just choking back emotions when I ran to that finish, high fiving people and feeling like a rockstar haha! I enjoyed Louisville :) I wouldn't have changed anything about my first Ironman experience. And learning from this experience, I do know what I would do if I decide to do another. I also know how much all the support from my friends kept me going! Really really really I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Ironman Soul Sister Tri Chica Du Diva Muddy Buddy Partners in Crime!!! WEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey there Ganter! RABBITS RABBITS RABBITS!!!That's a better place for Slapshot :) Yup, nothin' broke my stride! Thanks everyone!