We got picked up by the tour group at our hotel and made our way up the mountain alongside the Barron River. Extremely beautiful sights! I spent my non-paddling time just staring up at all the trees that surrounded us. No cameras allowed since they would only get soaked. Plus you kinda had to stay focused ;) Our raft was made up of 6 guys (that includes my brother), myself and the tour guide Fabio... who by the way was fabulous ;) hehehe! He was from Peru and had been in Cairns for ten years. It was interesting to hear the mix in accents. There were also four other rafts in the trip.
First up of course was safety. We learned what to do if we fell out of the raft. I was thinking that it wouldn't be that big a deal, I mean, I know that falling in is a big deal, but I'm used to canoes and such where it's tough to lose balance and fall. On the raft it was a different story! You sit there on the side of the raft and when you go over the falls you hold on to your paddle for dear life with one hand and hold onto the rope on the raft for dear life with the other! Fabio told us we could wedge our feet underneath the seats that went across the rafts and that would help us stay in the raft. I still have bruises on my right shin from how forcefully I had my foot wedged. That right foot was the only one close enough to the seat haha! Left one didn't help out much.
Just like when we realized that a pipe had burst in our apartment causing a huge leak in the ceiling, I was giggling like crazy the entire way! Mom says it's a shock factor, maybe a nerve-wracking situation that just causes you to laugh when instead you should be worried. I'm not going to lie, I was freaked out the entire way. Still having a blast though! And I'd go rafting again in a heartbeat!
About a third of the way down we were asked if we wanted to go swimming. Turns out Fabio was being serious and we all hopped out of the raft and floated a bit down calmer water. One guy stayed in the raft because he couldn't swim. I had running shorts and a tshirt on but that didn't matter. Bring on the water! The thing to remember was to stay on your back and keep your feet up in front of you. I loved being in the water! I heard one guy ask "How's she going so fast?" hahah I guess it looked like I'd caught a current, but really my arms were going underneath the water like a duck's feet! So fun! Most swimming I've done in months! Then we had the joy of climbing back in the raft... that's very awkward lol!
The big excitement... yes the entire experience was very exciting... but the big excitement came when we did what's called "surfing." Basically you paddle like crazy upstream towards one of the falls and then your raft gets sucked in by a current but is still being pushed away by another current, so you just stay there with your raft flying all about. We all stayed to watch each raft surf. Unfortunately, the crew that went after us got sucked in and flipped! Six not too thrilled tourists in their lifejackets and helmets and one surprised tourguide thrown into the water and heading downstream towards more rapids! All the tourguides jumped up and started throwing ropes left and right to the tourists. We did manage to pull everyone out of the water and back in their raft. Only lost one paddle. I grabbed one from the water. Felt proud of myself lol!
We got to jump in and go down the rapids on our backs once more near the end. It was a wonderful experience. It turns out during the wet season that river fills soooooo high (we could see the water lines on the rocks) and crocodiles actually come up the river! They have to make sure the crocs are gone each season before they start rafting again. Of course we didn't know about that until after we were through with our rafting trip lol! Good times :)
After rafting we enjoyed walking around the beach at our hotel. No swimming (you were told to swim in the pools at your hotels) but the sights were still gorgeous.
Smiles all around :)