So last time I left you was with the bridge-climbing adventure and the aquarium. We finally saw a break in the rain that evening. It was a welcome sight! This is the view from our hotel balcony:
Here's Gavin checking out the sights on the way to Manly! Check out Sydney waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in the distance...
Day 2 of tours! This one took us up to the Blue Mountains! The tour the first day was very organized. This one was more like a crazy adventure that pitted us 14 tourists against our tourguide. It was a crazy day to say the least! First stop out of town was in Melbourne to see where the Australian Open was getting set up. SOoooooooooo can't wait to get up at 3:30am for tennis later this month... We also saw where the Sydney Olympics took place! I have the closing ceremonies on tape somewhere, absolutely loved those olympics! Here's the track and field venue:
From there it was on the the Blue Mountains! Talk about gorgeous countryside!
I saw this at one of the lookouts. I don't know who wrote it but I thought it was beautiful!
Say hello to the Three Sisters!
Another beautiful view...
If you look behind me you can see what the Aussies call their Grand Canyon.
Exploring the Blue Mountains was really awesome! Only bad part was after we couldn't find our driver. Anywhere. I still don't really know what happened but I will say it was fun getting to talk to the other people in our van. After about 45 minutes of waiting and wondering our driver finally showed up. All's well that ends well :) Last part of our day was going to the wildlife preserve. I loved these lil owls:
How can you not love that face:
Does anyone else remember the cartoon on Nickleodeon called The Little Koala?
And speaking of cartoons, when my family moved to Williamsburg I was starting the 4th grade and one day our teacher decided we should watch a movie. We watched The Rescuers Down Under. I don't really remember much about that movie, except there was this evil Goanna Lizard named, you guessed it, Joanna. All my classmates made fun of the new girl who had the same name as that lizard. Yup, still sticks with me. Here's the Goanna now...
On to cuter pictures :)
A lot of the animals were just wandering around. Two birds came around a corner and had a squabble right in front of Mackey lol! He reacted in time to get a picture of one of the birds hightailing it out of there! This lil dude didn't mind me petting him.
Welcome to the big show!
Back home! Moved from the redlight district (hah!) to Darling Harbour. Want to say it right? Dahling Hahbor. That's our hotel, the Novotel hotel!
Day 3, December 31 2009! That morning was spent on my version of the Ironman (I'll explain that another time lol!) and that evening was spent at the Sydney Opera House! Unfortunately, we didn't bring our cameras. We thought we weren't allowed to... we were the only people without cameras... hahah it's alright though! I'll never forget what I saw! And I do have pictures on my phone. I plan on getting them as soon as I get back to the States. Mackey had his phone as well and took a few pictures. It was fun getting all dressed up and enjoying a night out with my brothers! Here's proof that I do actually wear a dress at times ;)
There's the Sydney Harbour Bridge just behind us! WOW absolutely the MOST AWESOME firework display I've ever seen!
New Year's Eve in Sydney was the most magical evening ever! I may not have pictures at the moment, but let me see if I can paint one with my words. There was a gala when we first got there, just drinks and such as we milled about before dinner. I told Mackey that I felt like I was at prom lol! Only difference was that it was all these old women wearing prom dresses. We weren't the youngest ones there, but it was close. The dinner was absolutely awsome! My brother and I talking about relationships during dinner... that wasn't that awesome hahah but it did put a lot in perspective for me. And in the words of Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that! After dinner we went in and listened to the Opera Australia. I used to have to go to the opera in high school and I didn't appreciate it then. A lot had to do with the fact that I couldn't see (it was before I started wearing contacts and glasses) but I must say, Opera Australia's New Year's Eve was wonderful. Wow they could play! And WOW they could sing! I loved it!
I went over to the drop-off with my snorkle, and I will say, it wasn't just scary for Nemo's dad, it was scary for me too lol! I couldn't see down to the bottom but about halfway I could see this HUGE fish swimming slowly about. Not anything dangerous, but enough to freak me out. I didnt' mind the big fish as much when I was down there with them and could see that I had nothing to fear. And I did remember sunblock this time :)

There were fireworks at 9pm (so the parents could get their kids home) and then the big show at midnight. And what a show it was! They had it timed to music and the fireworks were coming from the bridge, from across the water, and from my right. It was hard to know where to look!!! Some of the blasts had those loud noises that just hit you right in your heart. Completely amazing! Here's a youtube link to the fireworks: SO AWESOME!!!
Thanks Mackey for taking Gavin and I around the world to say goodbye to 2009!!!
And now, since I'm tired, I'm going to leave you with a few images of today's trip to the Great Barrier Reef :) That was another ultimate experience, one that I highly recommend if you make it out here. I went scuba diving and snorkeling for the first time ever! Those fish don't even care that you're there! They come right up to your face lol! And the giant clams... WOW!
This is just absolutely amazing!! I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this blog not only for the GREAT pictures but for your written word as well! You write with such enthusiasm and humor! I'm just taken aback at the many different things you have been up do! I had already seen the video of the fireworks and couldn't believe how extensive they were! What a fabulous time you are having! Thank you so much for doing this!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog Joanna! How warm was the water at the Great Barrier Reef? Love the pictures of the Australian wildlife. We didn't visit the zoo when we were there and I regret it. Looks like an awesome trip of a lifetime! should get an A+ for Creative Blogging!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you all are enjoying the blog! It's been fun to write! The water was perfect temperature at the reef. It was pretty hot outside with the sun beating down on you so the water was very refreshing! Thanks so much for recommending the bridge-climbing, and I definitely recommend the reef! I'll have the rafting blog up soon... still waiting for pictures.